Well, I thought I'd give it a try putting a video on here. For some reason, it's just a black box instead of showing the first frame of the video. Oh well, just click on the triangle and it will play. This is from December when Nora went bowling with her before/after school program. This was her second time "at bat." Most of the other times, she walked slowly up and rolled the ball (which took forever to get to the pins). Several of the other kids were running up, so I guess she thought she'd give it a try. She actually did pretty good-- got 9 pins down on her first trip up, which was more than anyone else did in her lane (even the teacher). With her height, we've always thought about the WNBA, but maybe bowling will be her sport!
We had a great Christmas: Christmas eve with Kris's family, Christmas day was just us, and we celebrated with my sisters & their boyfriends on New Years day. It was nice to have Christmas day all to ourselves. Santa brought a pop-up Dora tent, which seemed to be the favorite thing for the day, and we've already gotten our money's worth out of it-- just as we suspected, it's providing hours of entertainment.
We just made plans to go to New York to visit my parents in July. We realized that by the time we go, it will have been over 2 yrs since we went last. (Luckily, my parents come here more often than that.) This time, I'm hoping to do some more sight-seeing, especially in New York. Last time we went was in February, so it wasn't very conducive to walking around much.
Last night, we had my friend Alice and her family over for pizza. They have 2 girls too. Emily is about a year younger than Nora, and Brigid is 10 months older than Charlotte. So it worked out pretty nicely, with them playing together well (minus a few brief squabbles with the youngest ones who don't really get "sharing" yet). And I was pleased that the girls entertained themselves enough that the adults actually got to talk!
Speaking of talking, Charlotte is getting quite the vocabulary. I won't bore you by listing all of her words, but for you great-grandmas, here are a few that she says on a regular basis: up, milk, bye-bye, car (sometimes she says these together), light (her newest favorite, especially today when we went to Home Depot), apple, mama, dada (which she also says for Nora), No (of course!), bear, all done, all gone. Hmm... I guess those are the most frequent, because that's all I can think of right now. She is also seriously addicted to bananas and yogurt. We actually have to HIDE them from her because if she sees them, she'll get really upset if we don't give them to her. She calls bananas "nana" and yogurt is "go go." As for her latest physical feats, she's been climbing up her little plastic slide and going down on her own since before Thanksgiving. She's mastering the stairs now-- she does great climbing up on her own (with us right behind her, of course) and has recently discovered that she can go down on her own by sitting down and scooting on her rear. She is also climbing up on the couch by herself. This is a bit nerve-wracking, but it had to happen sometime!
Nora is still enjoying school and is starting to read words! She does really great when we help her sound out words letter by letter. She is also fascinated with writing and will often ask us how to spell something. She can do "I love mom dad" on her own, so that's her favorite phrase to write. But we had lunch at Subway today and she got a little notebook with her meal (MUCH nicer than the dumb plastic toys you get most other places). So as soon as we got in the car, she asked for a pen and began asking how to spell things. After lunch, we went to Home Depot, so of course, she wrote "Home Depot" and any other signs she could (she kept begging us to stop as we were walking through the store so she could write down the signs). She is also still loving to do artwork. Kris's parents got her an "art box" for Christmas-- a plastic 3-drawer dresser filled with markers, crayons, scissors, glue, paper & stickers-- and she is just having a ball with that. I love hearing about the stories behind the pictures she draws.
I've posted some pictures on Flickr since Christmas, so check them out if you haven't already. I have more in my camera that I need to transfer, so hopefully I'll get to that soon. Here's a photo of the girls having fun in one of our first snows, about a week before Christmas.

I hope you all had a great holiday season!
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