Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Charlotte's words

Ok, I said I wouldn't bore you with a complete list of Charlotte's words, but I lied. So if you don't care, don't read! Here they are in no particular order (other than this is the order that Nora, Kris & I thought of them last night). Pronunciations are in parenthesis (say THAT 5 times fast!)
Hi, bye-bye, sock (gock), shoe (do), car, slide (ide), all right (after she "gives 5"), light (ite), mouth (mout), eye, egg (uck), thank you (dan do), milk, please (peas), dada, mama, no, uh oh, hat (at), sis (iss), kitty (titty), bear, book, dry (die), bubble (bah boat), juice, out, hello (ello), sit (it), teeth (teet), bowl (bo), hot (ot), vacuum (backoom), up, baby, all done, all gone, go, all fall down (ah na da), nigh-night, banana (nana), yogurt (go go), ride (ide), remote (mote), eat (deet), waffle (wapple), more, apple, star (tar), back, ball, truck (guck), bike, belt, bath (bat).

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