Saturday, September 29, 2007


Oh, I am SO terrible. (This is especially terrible because it is actually October 22nd, which means I started this post almost a month ago.) The last month (Sept) has just been a blur of activity. I don't know that I can even write about it all, it's just too overwhelming. So I think I'll start fresh and not worry about writing about everything. Kris has been super busy with his landscaping business. This weekend and last weekend were his first "non-working" weekends in the last couple of months. That's in quotation marks because he's still had to go out to give bids on those weekends-- but at least he wasn't out installing plants all day, so that was good.

Nora is L-O-V-I-N-G Kindergarten. 'Nuff said.

Saturday, we went to Oktoberfest at Unity Village. The girls had a good time playing games at the booths and Nora rode some rides (we started to put Charlotte on the little car with Nora, but she got scared when the other kids started beeping their horns.) The main thing Nora wanted to do was ride the ferris wheel, but once we were on it, she hid her face in my lap almost the whole time. I must admit, now that I'm an adult and hear all those wonderful stories of carnival rides not being put together very well, the ferris wheel is now MUCH scarier for me than it used to be. (I think my eyes watch the nuts & bolts more than they look out at the beautiful view). But, of course, I tried not to let Nora know that I was nervous.

Also, Nora has become QUITE the architect and played quite a bit with the Duplo blocks (big Legos) in the last month:

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