For the record, when I asked how much she wanted to sell it for, she said "free" and I was ok with that, but Kris suggested a tip jar. So, as one of her customers put it, "Free lemonade!" and then, (cynically) "Oh. And a tip jar." Oh well.
Later that week was "McTeacher night" at McD's, where the teachers work behind the counter. We were going to skip out on that, but Nora really wanted to go because her best friend Hailey was going to go. So we made sure to go at the same time Hailey was going to be there:

Aren't their matching missing teeth adorable? Reminds me of a certain someone that I met in Kindergarten. We'll see if they remain friends for the next 26+ years too. Hailey's mom said that they hug hello and goodbye every day. (They both go to the before and after school program at their elementary school)
Then the second weekend in October, I took the girls with me to Austin for my cousin's (beautiful!) wedding. I vow never to travel by myself with them again (at least until Charlotte is 5). Nora was a perfect angel the whole trip (until the last day, anyway). Charlotte was sleep-deprived and, of course, a curious toddler. So I spent literally the entire trip chasing her around restaurants and other non-baby-proofed public spaces. I spent maybe an hour total out of the whole weekend actually talking to my relatives. But I know they did enjoy seeing the girls, so that was good. Was it worth $400 and my total exhaustion? Debatable. But, lesson learned. I'd post some pictures from the wedding, but I only managed to take a few, and I haven't gotten them onto Flickr yet.
Then, the Wed after we got home from the wedding, Nora's after school program (called Kids Country) had a celebration at Paradise park. (I don't think I mentioned that the day we left for the wedding, Nora's Kindergarten class had a field trip to Paradise Park. So in one day, she got to go to Paradise Park, fly on an airplane, got to see my mom, AND sleep in a hotel. She was jazzed.) Anyway, we went to Paradise Park (again) that Wednesday and the girls had a total ball. I can't remember if I took any photos (if I did, they're still on the camera too), but Kris took some of Charlotte getting totally soaked in the water play room. I'll try to figure out how to get them off of his phone and onto Flickr.
Then on Friday, we had a playdate with my high school friend Alice and her daughters. Emily is 1 yr younger than Nora and Brigid is 1 yr older than Charlotte. They had a fantastic time and I'm plotting when we can get together again (after I have a little bit of a breather from all these planned activities).
Well, that's probably enough to digest for now. We have a parent/teacher conference this Thursday and a kids' Halloween party on Saturday, so I'll try to post once more before Halloween. We'll see how that goes.
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