Well, our windows were installed on Friday. So far, ... we LOVE them! As Kris pointed out on Sunday, "it's 95 degrees at noon on a sunny day, we don't have any curtains up, the house is comfortable and the air conditioner
is not running!" It was a very exciting moment. We've even decided not to put curtains back up in the dining room. Previously, if we didn't have the curtains closed by noon, it became an absolute oven in there. Now, the sun streams in during the afternoon and we don't notice a change in temperature. I'm going to try to find the most minimal window covering I can find-- some kind of nice roller shade perhaps-- so we have something for privacy when we want it (and to keep the rug from fading too much).
The installation went really smoothly, I thought. They did have some major trouble with the bay windows-- cracked one of the new window frames, as a matter of fact-- because the openings were so slanted. They ordered a new frame for that one. It was a really hot day (August, what else can you expect?) and I got quite a workout running from room to room taking down curtains, moving things from in front of the windows, etc. Why we didn't do more beforehand, I don't know. I did manage to take some photos-- it was kinda cool because they took all the windows out on one floor before they started installing. So in our dining room and "parlor," it seemed almost like we didn't have any walls (each wall is mostly a bay window.) It was also fun to stick my head out of the huge holes in the walls.

And then I spent most of the day Saturday and a half day Sunday vacuuming & wiping down as much as I could manage. Major dusty mess.