I'm working on helping Charlotte figure out how to go to sleep on her own. Last night was the second night that I put her down before she nursed off to sleep. She rolled around, sat up, stood up, sat down... (repeat many times) and finally layed her head down and fell asleep. I am DETERMINED that she be a good sleeper. Unlike Nora, who STILL gets up in the middle of the night & comes into bed with us. And wants one of us to stay in the room until she falls asleep. What can I say, I'm a pushover.
Anyway, I've been working on my "plan" since Thursday and already I'm pleased with my progress. In addition to the falling asleep mentioned above, I've been making sure that even if she does fall asleep before I put her in her bed, I wake her just a little so that she sees she's in her crib before she goes back to sleep. Up until Thursday, I literally had to run back upstairs 3-4 times in the first 2 hours after she fell asleep because she would wake up upset. After Thursday & Friday of waking her a bit when I put her in her crib, I have not had to go back in her room AT ALL until she wakes to eat around 2am. And she's only been waking once in the night to eat. Yay!!
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